Emma carried out a Wardrobe Edit for me…..what god send!
My time spent with Emma was a great experience. I was one of those people stuck in a rut, looking in my wardrobe daily looking for something inspirational to wear.
When out shopping I used to buy odd items that didn’t go with anything I already had, it took the fun out of shopping which I used to love. Then Emma came along!
Firstly Emma gave me some valuable tips & tricks for dressing to my body shape & gave me a better understanding of which colours suit me best to match my skin tone, which was a real eye opener.
She talked me through my style preference & put together outfits from clothes & accessories I already had in my wardrobe & how to wear them better.
Then compiled a list of wardrobe staples to build my perfect wardrobe…..I found this really beneficial.
I never knew I had so many items that I could mix & match to make up outfits.
During this process, Emma helped me to declutter my wardrobe, going through clothes I no longer wear or suits me.
Using all Emma’s advice I’m looking forward to giving my wardrobe a refresh & showing my new outfits.
I can’t thank Emma enough for all her valuable time & advice which was very inspiring.
Pulling me out of the rut I was in & putting some colour back into my wardrobe.

I can’t recommend Emma enough. I firstly had an Online Style Session, for which I provided some photos, measurements and other information. Within a few days she sent me an extremely detailed report which showed what clothes are best suited to me. She also matched my skin tone and gave me a colour palette to work with. Most of these colours I’ve shied away from, worrying they wouldn’t suit me – turns out they do!

Emma then worked her magic again with an Online Personal Shop for me. I absolutely loved every piece of clothing and accessory that she sent through to me – big thing for me as I’m quite fussy. She has my style down to a T.

I can’t thank Emma enough for giving me the confidence to try new things.

I was lucky enough to have an Online Style Session with Emma, which was so useful during a lockdown!

I provided Emma with a couple of photos & some measurements before she went away and worked her magic. Within a few days Emma had analysed my body shape, matched my skin tone to colours that suit me best and also identified my aspired style personality.

Emma’s analysis has given me a lot of confidence & has encouraged me to think outside the box. I really wanted to move away from the ‘safe’ outfits that I always tend to go for & develop a more feminine and classic style. I was certainly not disappointed by Emma’s suggestions as she has provided me with a huge plethora of ideas!

Thank you Emma, I cannot wait to update my wardrobe & show you my new outfits. I 100% recommend Emma Louise Styling!

I had a Personal Style Session with Emma.

She went through a Colour Analysis to help me understand what colours suit me best. We then went through what type of clothes suit my figure & specified outfits I’ve been looing for. After the session Emma sent me a follow up of everything we had gone through so I have a permanent record.

It’s completely changed the way I think about choosing clothes & I’m now much more mindful about the colours & styles that suit me most, something I’ve struggled with a lot all my life.

I couldn’t recommend more!

I’ve been fumbling around the shops and searching online for ages. What does suit me now? I became so despondent with clothes shopping, something I’d always loved.

Emma came along and carried out a Wardrobe Edit. What a God send. I had loads of clothes that were perfectly ok still, I just needed showing how to wear them better and what with.

She then compiled a Shopping List of wardrobe staples for me to buy when I was ready.

Honestly, if you’re like I was and stuck, this is money well spent. Think of all those unworn clothes in your wardrobe! It’s soon a thing of the past, when you know what suits and how to wear it.

Emma helped me identify my style & colours that suit me.

We went through my wardrobe and Emma was able to help me wear things that had been at the back for ages – as well as get rid of the clothes that didn’t suit me or fitted badly.

She then helped me pick new items that were more my style.

Really happy, and helped me spend my money better in the online sales.