There’s often a misconception that Personal Stylists will just encourage you to spend money, and that it’s an extravagant treat only celebrities can afford.

In fact, working with a Personal Stylist is an investment that can help you save money.

Keep reading to discover the main ways working with a Personal Stylist can help you save money, while making you feel fabulous at the same time!

1. Avoid buying into trends that don’t suit you

A Personal Stylist can perform a Colour Analysis to show you what colour clothing suits you best.

They can help women and men understand what clothes flatter their body shape, so they can dress with confidence.

A good Stylist will also explain how to dress for your personal style, so you’re bringing these aspects together to suit your lifestyle and personality.

Once you’ve had a Personal Style Assessment, you can appreciate those new fashion trends whilst avoiding wasting money on the ones that don’t suit YOUR style.

Dressing for your body type

2. Less time traipsing around the shops or trawling online stores

When you invest in a Personal Shopping experience with a Stylist, we pre-select items before our shopping trip that we think will look amazing on you. On the day, we work with you to choose the perfect outfits so you go home with clothes that will work hard in your wardrobe.

If you’re the type of person who dreads clothes shopping or finds it stressful, then it’s a real treat to get some expert assistance in the fitting rooms.

For an Online Shop, we can create a shoppable mood board for you to select items from.

This way you’ll know that they will all suit you and you won’t have to spend time looking through lots of websites as we’ve done the hard work for you.

The success rate for these is high, so it should save you time and money on returning bad online purchases.

3. You’ll learn to wear what’s already in your wardrobe

A common misconception about Wardrobe Edits is that we’ll make you get rid of most of your clothes!

Unless that’s what you’d like us to help with, it’s not the case.

We can show you how to wear everything in your wardrobe, rather than just a small portion of it.

The fun part about the edit is creating new outfits from what you already have, and we’ll keep a list of any gaps that are worth filling so you get the most from your collection.

Once you have a clearer idea of what you own, you won’t waste so much money buying new all the time.

We can also help you sell anything that’s of value during the decluttering process.

4. Personal Stylists give you an unbiased, expert opinion that you can trust

Ever gone shopping with your family or friends and they just shrug when you try things on, or tell you everything looks great?

Or used a personal shopper in a department store who didn’t seem to “get” you?

An independent Personal Stylist is trained to help you find items that are perfect for you, because you are the client – not the store.

We work with you to ensure you don’t waste money on clothes you’ll leave in your wardrobe unworn, or you don’t feel fantastic in.

We’ll also teach you our stylist tips, so you’re learning along the way how to dress your best!

5. You won’t be influenced to buy things you don’t need

We’ve all been there. Something looks great on your friend or that person on Instagram, so you buy it on impulse. 

Or there’s a Sale on, so you snap up some bargains without thinking them through.

However, once a Personal Stylist has helped you rediscover your own style you can avoid these mistakes.

Some stylists, like myself, even have a Style Subscription for personalised monthly inspiration.

Being confident in your personal style will take away that feeling of panic buying and uncertainty.

We can show you how to look like an improved version of yourself, rather than a copy of somebody else.

So, as you can see, working with a Personal Stylist is not only a fantastic treat for yourself and a confidence boost but it can save you money, time, and stress in the long term.

Contact me today if you’d like a chat about any of my styling services and see my testimonials to see what people are saying about their experience.

1 reply
  1. Danielle
    Danielle says:

    This is so helpful, so informative and so well explained – thank you so much Emma for being such a source of inspiration and support to all of us! ❤️❤️❤️


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